Revealed at last by one of the top professional dog trainers, a simple training strategy that…
Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation – many problem behaviors simply melt away. We’ve explained it why below.
Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog’s problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking – which is short term in its effectiveness at best – again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem.
Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. this methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.
Almost ANY behavior problem you can think of can be quickly and easily cured with the simple techniques we’re about to show you.
What's their secret? Well, they all had one thing in common…
The science behind this system of correcting bad behaviors is simple.
You may have heard of the idea of ‘neuroplasticity’ in the human brain.
It’s a well established idea researched heavily at Harvard and other leading universities.
In other words – our brains are like soft plastic – always capable of molding and changing to learn new habits and behaviors.
Well your dog’s brain is the EXACT same.
With the right mental stimulation and training… (That you will get in this program) your dog’s brain will become more open and receptive to learning new information.
Your dog will listen to you and better understand what you are telling him to do.
When this happens – your dog’s bad behaviors simply fade away as more desirable ones appear in their place.
It makes perfect sense if you think about it.
A more intelligent dog has the capacity to take commands easier and understand what you need from him.
It is realized pretty quickly that more intelligent dogs are much easier to train bad habits out of and teach new skills to.
It’s the same with children really.
If a child is bored and not stimulated intellectually – they tend to misbehave and cause trouble.
When you stimulate your dog’s mind correctly with a very specific set of games I’m going to show you…
(Even if you’re dealing with a really stubborn or difficult dog)
This is a great question! The reasons are quite simple really…
1: Sit
2: Down
3: Down to Sit
4: SittoStand
5: Stand to Down.
6: DowntoStand.
7: Building a Routine.
8: The Three Main Hand Signals.
9: Hand Signals Stage 1: Giving the Treat from the Signal Hand.
10: Hand Signals Stage 2: Giving the Treat from the Opposite Hand.
11 : Hand Signals Stage 3: NoTreat in the Signal Hand.
12: Down to Sit: Adding a Foot Nudge.
13: Down without Bending Over
14: Adding Distance
15:Introductory Heeling
16: RightTurns and Left Turns.
17: TargetingtheTreat.
18: Moving theTreat to the Opposite Side.
19: Moving theTreat to the Opposite SideThroughTurns.
20: How toTransition to Off-Leash Heeling.
21: Preventing Swinging Wide While Heeling.
22: Heeling with Small Dogs.
23: Down Out of Motion.
24: Heeling from Different Positions.
25: Fancy Finishes
26: Introductory Recalls.
27: Recalls when Playing with Other Dogs.
28: Recalls into Fancy Finishes.
30: Sit-Stay
31 : CirclingAroundYourDoginStay
32: Stand-Stay
33 : Stand-Stay with Leash and Body Exam.
34: Putting Together a Routine.
35 : Using the Ball in the Sit-Down-Stand Routine.
36: UsingtheBallinHeeling.
37: Moving the Ball to the Opposite Side in Heeling.
38: UsingTwoBallsto Get the First OneBack.
39: Using the Leash to Demand Sit.
40: Grabbing the Collar to Demand Sit.
41: Using the Leash to Demand Down.
42: Using the Leash to Demand Stand.
43: The Pay Attention Exercise.
44: Head Collars.
45: The Chest-Leading Harness.
46: Prong Collars.
47: Emergency Stop with a Body Block.
48: AddingCompulsion with theLeash,If Needed.
49: Emergency Stops at a Distance.
50: Introducing Off.
51 : Using a Mild Shove to Teach Off.
52: Using a Squirt Bottle.
53 : Using a Squirt Bottle — Variations.
54: UsingLeashCorrection.
55 : Combining Off and Stay
56: Combining Off and Heel.
57: Combining Off and Come with an Accomplice.
58: The Pay Attention Exercise — Redux.
59: Back-and-Forth Recalls.
60: Combining Off with Outdoor Recalls.
61: Eliminating the Leash in Outdoor Recalls.
62: Warming Up: Sits and Downs.. 140
63: Distance Downs and Emergency Stops.
64: Using the Ball to Reinforce Stays.
65: Using the Ball to Reinforce Heeling.
66: Using the Ball to Reinforce Recalls and Building Routines.
67: Heeling in Public.
68: Crissy Field: Stays.
69: Crissy Field: Emergency Stops.
70:Crissy Field: Heeling.
71: CrissyField:Putting ItAllTogether
3 hours music will be provided:
1. Dog Relaxation, Stress removal music
2. Deep Sleep Music
8 Hours Video for your dog
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This Depends on Dog to Dog.